Renting camping gear for Capitol Reef National Park trips from Las Vegas is easy and affordable. Forget about the lodges and hotels! There's no better way to escape civilization than by losing oneself in nature. Imagine how amazing the Milky Way will look from your tent while camping under the stars. Now you can save space in your luggage and simply rent outdoor gear for Capitol Reef National Park and the rest of your Southwest adventure.
Check out our suggestions of things to do and places to camp in or near Capitol Reef National Park.
Rental camping gear for Capitol Reef National Park
Browse our rental camp packages and/or supplement your camping gear with individual outdoor rental items. You can hire tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, camping lanterns, camp furniture, coolers and other camp kitchen gear - anything you need for a wonderful outdoor experience at Capitol Reef National Park.
Specifically for Capitol Reef National Park, we recommend getting a 3-season sleeping bag for the greater part of the year. Even in summer, though the sun may blaze down on you during the day, nights will get deceivingly cold. Check the weather forecast prior to heading out. If temperatures fall to below 50°F, opt for a warmer sleeping bag or consider investing in a sleeping bag liner. In winter and the shoulder seasons, if temperatures fall below 30°F, rent a winter sleeping bag. All of our rental sleeping pads are insulated for all season use.
Reserve your rental outdoor gear for Capitol Reef National Park through our website and pick up your items in our convenient location near Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. Ending your trip in a different city? We offer one-way return shipping for most of our items!
Practical information for camping at Capitol Reef National Park
First and foremost, check out our suggestions of things to do and places to camp in or near Capitol Reef National Park. Aside from that, here are a few more important things to know when staying overnight at Capitol Reef:
There's only one campground inside of the Capitol Reef National Park boundaries that you can reach with any vehicle. In peak season (May-September) it fills up quick! Reserve your spot as soon as you know your travel dates.
You need a high-clearance vehicle to reach the only other two campgrounds in Capitol Reef National Park. They are very small but they are also so remote that it's unlikely they will fill up.
There is no water and no cell service in the remote areas of the park (which is most of the park). You can fill up a water jug at the visitor center. Make sure you have at least 4 liters of water per person per day.
The weather always surprises. During most of the year, excluding summer, prepare for a much colder night than you think. Being a true desert environment, day and nighttime temperatures vary dramatically. Of course, June, July, and August could get unbearably hot - you might want to consider setting up camp in higher elevations outside of the park.
The nearest international airport to Capitol Reef National Park is 3.5 hours away in Salt Lake City. But the most convenient international airport to Capitol Reef National Park is Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. Though it takes 5.5 hours to drive directly to the park entrance, most people make a multi-day road trip out of it and stop at Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks before reaching Capitol Reef.
Capitol Reef National Park is an amazing place to camp! Take a minute to browse through our rental gear inventory and decide for yourself whether to bring your own gear from home, supplement your personal items, or rent complete camping packages from us.
Feel free to contact us should you need more information about renting gear for camping and/or backpacking in or around Capitol Reef National Park or any other location in the American Southwest.
We look forward to seeing you on the trail!