Renting camping gear in Las Vegas is easy and affordable. Forget about the lodges and hotels! There's no better way to escape civilization than by losing oneself in nature. Imagine how amazing the Milky Way will look from your tent while camping under the stars. Now you can save space in your luggage and simply hire outdoor gear in Las Vegas for your national parks road trips.
Check out our suggestions of things to do and places to stay around Las Vegas.
Outdoor gear for rent in Las Vegas
Browse our rental camp packages and/or supplement your camping gear with individual outdoor rental items. You can hire tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, camping lanterns, camp furniture, coolers and other camp kitchen gear - anything you need for a wonderful outdoor experience in the American Southwest.
Wherever you go in the Southwest, check the weather forecast prior to heading out. This is the desert after all, meaning that the difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures could be extreme. Even in summer, though the sun may blaze down on you during the day, nights will get deceivingly cold in most places in the Southwest. If temperatures fall to below 50°F at night, opt for a 3-season sleeping bag or consider investing in a sleeping bag liner. In winter and the shoulder seasons, if temperatures fall below 30°F, rent a winter sleeping bag. All of our rental sleeping pads are insulated for all season use.
Reserve your rental outdoor gear through our website and pick up your items in our convenient location near Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. Ending your trip in a different city? We offer one-way return shipping for most of our items!
Practical information for camping in the American Southwest
Here are a few important things to know about road trips of the American Southwest:
Long driving distances. Prepare for long driving distances by stocking up on food, water, gas, cash, and audiobooks. Even if you're not camping, in the summertime, you should rent a cooler for your journey to keep your food fresh and your water bottles cold.
Times zones. The Southwest is split between Pacific (GMT-8) and Mountain Time Zones (GMT-7). Arizona is the only states that does not observe Daylight Saving Time. In winter, it keeps to Mountain Time with Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. In summer, it keep to Pacific Time with Nevada and California.
Campgrounds in the Southwest. There are three main types of campgrounds in the Southwest that you should know about: Established campgrounds in national parks and state parks, private campgrounds and RV parks, and dispersed camping (mostly on forest service and Bureau of Land Management lands).
Leave No Trace. Please do your part to preserve nature for yourself and for future generations. After all, everyone wants to go outdoors to experience a clean untouched natural environment. Follow these leave no trace principles, which are seven excellent ways to minimize your impact on the outdoors.
Grand Circle national parks road trip itinerary. In our opinion, the most convenient international airport for American Southwest road trips is Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. Though it requires a lot of driving, you can make an unforgettable multi-day road trip and camp at Zion, Bryce, Capitol Reef, Arches, Canyonlands, Grand Canyon National Parks and so much more in between.
National Parks Annual Pass. Get a national parks annual pass if you plan to visit four or more sites managed by the National Park Service.
Read these tips for further info.

The American Southwest is an amazing place for a camping road trip! Take a minute to browse through our rental gear inventory and decide for yourself whether to bring your own gear from home, supplement your personal items, or rent complete camping packages from us.
Feel free to contact us should you need more information about renting gear for camping and/or backpacking in any location in the American Southwest.
We look forward to seeing you on the trail!