As more and more travelers discover the benefits of the beautiful outdoors surrounding Las Vegas, the concept of sustainability and the protection of our environment becomes much more important. One way to promote responsible travel in the American Southwest is to rent outdoor gear. In fact, many REI stores nationwide rent camping gear, but the REI rental program in Las Vegas was discontinued in 2024. Where else can travelers hire camping gear? Here's a list of places that still rent outdoor gear in the Southwest and around the national parks.

Physical places to rent camping gear in Las Vegas
Since Las Vegas REI rentals are no longer available, the only physical store in Las Vegas that still rents camping gear is Basecamp Outdoor Gear. The only other physical location to hire outdoor gear is the university, UNLV.
Basecamp Outdoor Gear
This is us, and we may be a little biased, but we think we're great. Basecamp Outdoor Gear is a small local business in Las Vegas focused solely on renting outdoor gear to promote sustainability. Check out our sustainability efforts.
Reservations: Preferred, made online at least 24 hours in advance Since we are a small business, we request that you book your rental through our website at least 24 hours prior to your pickup date. This allows us to plan our inventory needs and to schedule rental attendants to meet you in person at the shop. If you have a last-minute request, call or text us to check availability before heading to the store.
Last-minute rentals: Possible Text 702-357-9513 to check availability
Rental items: Choose from individual items and rental packages Our rental inventory includes both lightweight items for backpacking and luxurious and spacious gear for car camping. Such items include tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, camp chairs, camp stoves, coolers, and other miscellaneous cooking gear. We also rent other outdoor items such as bouldering crash pads, yoga mats, and trekking poles.
Hours of operation: 7 days a week, all days of the year, including all weekends and holidays In-person: Pick up and return gear by appointment every day of the year 8:30am-5:30pm After-hours: Self-pickups and returns available upon request 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all days of the year, including all weekends and holidays
UNLV Recreational Services
Desert Adventures
Various campervan rental companies
Other camping gear rental shops around the Southwest
REI rents camping gear in cities other than Las Vegas. And other small shops all around the Southwest rent camping gear and packages.
REI rentals - SLC and various locations in California
Though the REI rental program was discontinued in Nevada and Arizona, REI rentals are still available in Salt Lake City, San Diego, Fresno, Berkeley, and other select locations in California.
Reservations: Preferred
Last-minute rentals: Walk-ins possible depending on availability
Rental items: Camping gear, bikes, kayaks, snowshoes, and more
Hours of operation: Rental gear pickups and returns possible during facility opening hours only. Check current hours on each store's website.
Sports Basement - various locations in California
Zion Adventures - Springdale, UT
Last Minute Gear - San Francisco, CA
Grand Canyon Outfitters - Grand Canyon South Rim
Companies that ship camping gear nationwide
A number of nationwide companies will ship rental gear to you. All of these will need at least 14 days notice in order to prepare the gear and ship it so it arrives on time at your requested destination. Some examples include Lower Gear, Kit Lender, Outdoors Geek, and Xscape Pod.

Planning a trip to the American Southwest? Now you know where to go to rent camping gear. If your trip starts in Las Vegas, be sure to check out our rental items and packages.